The ease with which one can purchase sex online has allowed a multi-billion dollar industry to flourish while enslaving an estimated 28 million INDIVIDUALS worldwide.



Millstone employs some of the world’s premier cyber intelligence professionals and Special Ops personnel to partner with local law enforcement to provide cyber resources and training to authorities. 

the problem

Most sex trafficking cases are investigated by local law enforcement who often have a lack of resources, manpower and technology to bring down traffickers on their own. Local law enforcement is often constrained by jurisdictional boundaries. 


Millstone bridges this gap by employing some of the world’s premier cyber intelligence professionals and Special Ops personnel to partner with local law enforcement to provide free cyber resources and training to authorities. 

keeping families together.

law enforcement needs our collective help to dismantle child trafficking on the highest level.

Will you help us keep families together and remove survivors from the darkest corners of the web?

  • Child Sex Trafficking is an attachment of any ownership right over one or more people with the intent of coercing or otherwise forcing them to engage in sexual activities.

  • Child victims of trafficking are recruited, transported, transferred, harbored or received for the purpose of exploitation.

  • 27% of cases are children.

  • • Chronically runs away from home or placement (especially 3+ missing incidents)

    • Unexplained access to large amounts of cash, prepaid cards or hotel keys

    • Tattoos or branding related to money, matching those of other known trafficking victims or the child is unwilling to explain

    • Significant changes in behavior, including their online activity

    • Close association with an overly controlling adult

    • In possession of material goods inconsistent to the child’s access to money or socioeconomic status

    • References traveling to other cities or states, while missing or lack of knowledge or their current whereabouts

    • References online escort ads, dating websites/apps

    • Uses language or emojis often associated with prostitution, such as “Trick,” “The Life,” “The Game”

    • Recovered at a hotel, street track, truck stop, strip club or other location known for commercial sex


  • • Talk to your child. Open communication is key. It’s never too early to start talking to your child and answering their questions in an age-appropriate way. In addition to focusing on CST, important related issues may include sexual health, healthy relationships, consent, and boundaries.

    • Address the myths and misconceptions that glamorize the commercial sex industry. Movies, TV shows, and music are all “teachable moments” with opportunities to talk about these issues and learn about your child’s thoughts and feelings.

    • Build resiliency. Social media and gaming platforms are increasingly becoming the tool traffickers and other predators use to target, groom, and recruit victims. At some point your child will likely be confronted with inappropriate messages or could hear or see things online that they know are wrong. Help teens know how to handle these types of situations by making sure they are comfortable telling you about it.


  • It can occur anywhere, which is why we all need to remain alert and vigilant in our ever changing surroundings



Dismantle sex trafficking from it’s source. Join the mission today.
